Cathy has been writing down the things God talks to her about for over 20 years. Read some of her thoughts below. What God has told her could help change your life.
03/07/08 The higher the waters got, the higher Noah rose. The same thing happens for us in our problems. The greater the problems, the higher we rise above them.
03/07/08 There is nothing in the earth that is so great or so powerful that you cannot turn around with your tongue.
03/07/08 We are to be delivered from evil daily (always). See Lord’s prayer.
03/07/08 Adam didn’t learn in the garden, he discerned. He operated as one with God. We have the mind of Christ.
03/07/08 The Bible tells us in James that we can have the wisdom of God. We are like Adam. We discern and download the information from God. We have direct contact with Him through our spirit. We should never fail in any situation.
03/07/08 Matthew 12:33-37 tells us that we are justified or condemned by our words. Justified = made free, acquitted; Condemned = brought into bondage, sentenced.
03/07/08 Matthew 13:10-11 Jesus tells us that it is given unto us to know the mysteries—hidden truths—of the Word of God.
03/07/08 A law is a principle based on predictable circumstances of an act. Laws always work. God has set certain laws—spiritual laws—that will always work if they are put into motion.
03/07/08 Confession is a law. It will work every time no matter who works it and how it is worked. What you say is what you get. Out of the mouth come forth blessings and cursing's.
03/07/08 Preaching brings inspiration. Teaching brings understanding.
03/07/08 All words have weight and value. ALL WORDS. Words have substance. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue and you will eat the fruit of what you speak—whether life or death.
03/07/08 Jesus told us in John 6:63 that His words are spirit and they are life. Words are spirit, not just sounds. They live. They go out to do things. Jesus said in Hebrews that the Word of God is quick and alive and sharper than any two-edged sword dividing asunder the soul and the spirit and the joints and the morrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
03/07/08 Hebrews 1:3 tells us that God regulates the universe by the mighty power of His word of command. When He said in Genesis “Let there be light” or “Light be!” it is still expanding at the speed of light. Word of God keeps things in place and doing what they were originally intended to do.
03/07/08 Psalms 141:3 says our lips are a door.
03/07/08 Psalms 39:1 David said he will take heed to his ways that he sin not with his tongue, and will keep a bridle on his tongue while the wicked is before him. The wicked is the devil and demons waiting to hear what we are going to say with our mouth. They are waiting for our words.
03/07/08 Proverbs 30:32 says if we have done foolishly in lifting up ourselves (words without discretion) or if we have thought evil, we must put a hand over our mouth to not allow those things to come forth from us. We must gag our mouth in bad circumstances. See Ephesians 4:29
03/07/08 Job said in 6:23-25 that his mouth got him into trouble. He said teach me, and I will hold my tongue. Then he declared, “How forcible are right words!”
03/07/08 There is such a thing as the “Vocabulary of Silence” to be used in situations where saying nothing is the best thing to do.
03/07/08 Regarding confession of the Word of God in situations that are crises, you cannot consider whether or not the heathen understands what you are saying. You are not trying to impress them but putting spiritual law into motion. When Jesus told Jairus and his family and mourners that Jairus’s daughter was sleeping, He was activating a spiritual law. He was putting into motion what He wanted, not what was a reality at the time.
03/07/08 Words have value and must be measured against the Word of God.
03/07/08 Psalms 138:2 says God has exalted His Word above His Name.
03/07/08 God is under authority to uphold whatever He has spoken. He has made promises to us and must keep them. He is not a liar. If He said it is true and this is what He will do, He will do it.
03/07/08 Hebrews 1:2 says that Jesus is the lawful owner of everything, and the Bible also says that I am a joint-heir with Him! Hallelujah!
03/07/08 You will never go any higher than your confession.
03/07/08 God created man—the spirit-- and made the body/
03/07/08 God backs the words of the believers.
03/07/08 Never let the circumstance of life come out of your mouth. Believing circumstances is like believing God is a failure.
03/07/08 Don’t go to God to resolve the problem. Speak to the problem!
03/08/08 The Law of Confession will deliver you and protect you.
03/08/08 Numbers 13 and 14 tells us God gave the children of Israel their confession. He actually changed His plans for them to give them what they were confessing which was death.
03/08/08 “Homologio” in the Greek means confessing what God says.
03/08/08 Luke 12:8 says “Whosoever shall confess me before men…” Confessing the Word is confessing Jesus because He IS the Word of God.
03/08/08 Luke 12:8 can also mean that Jesus will send forth the angels to do—bring forth—our confession of the Word.
03/08/08 Psalms 34 is excellent psalm regarding our words.
03/08/08 Exodus 23:22 God says He would be an adversary to our adversaries and an enemy to our enemies. What He told Moses, He will do for us.
03/08/08 Your words will build a hedge to stop Satan’s plan ahead of time.
03/08/08 He expected Adam and Eve to have faith in His Word. He expects us to do the same and to walk by faith in His Words.
03/08/08 Our recreated spirit is made to walk by faith. Anything else brings heaviness of spirit, anxiety, and loss of peace.
03/08/08 Not walking by faith is actually walking by the old nature of death and leads to death.
03/09/08 My destiny is in my heart. No one can stop me, but me.
03/09/08 Luke 17:5-6 Sycamine tree is growing in my heart and blocking my destiny. I must speak words of life to that tree to cast it out. Speak the Word of God.
03/09/08 Hebrews 12:15 A root of bitterness can contaminate my whole family. Same with unforgiveness. Bitterness and unforgiveness doesn’t affect the persons I am holding these things toward, but affects ME. It destroys me.
03/09/08 Your belief is in vain if you do not bridle your tongue—your words—or what you say.
03/09/08 Fear, condemnation, and doubt are diseases of the spirit.
03/09/08 The tongue can create a breach in my spirit that will allow the enemy to come in. Ecclesiastes 10:8 (break or breach in hedge).
03/09/08 God’s power is metered out based on our faith. We need to increase our faith. (Increase our bandwidth).
03/09/08 Decree a thing and it shall be established. Job 22:28
03/10/08 If we don’t master end-time prophecies, we won’t rightly divide the Word of God.
03/10/08 2 Peter 1:19-21 shows me the way to not walk in darkness. See also Isaiah 60:2 tells us that gross darkness will cover the land in the end-times, but that doesn’t mean it will cover the children of God.
03/10/08 The “light shining in a dark place” were the prophets of old. The Word is shining in the darkness.
03/10/08 The Jewish New Year begins on Rosh Hashanah. Our New Year beings January 1st, of course.
03/10/08 Forty-eight men and seven women prophets have been recorded in the Old Testament. Of the 55, some record just a few sentences and some, a whole book. The bible was written by 40 different authors from 1692 BC through 100 AD.
03/10/08 Ezekiel wrote 2600 years ago that Russia and Iran would be allies. They have never been allies until now. Prophecy written long ago comes to pass.
03/10/08 1 Peter 1:19-21 says we have a more sure word of prophecy than the voice heard at the transfiguration. Those sure words of prophecy were Old Testament prophecies. Daystar is Jesus (Revelation knowledge).
03/10/08 Gross darkness—coarse, rough, indelicate, obscene, impure, nakedness, very wrong, flagrant-as a gross mistake, thick, dense, no sensitive in perception of feeling, stupid, dull. Romans 1 and 2 God said it would come because they forgot Him.
03/10/08 Genesis 1:1 Time and Place came into being. When there was only God, there was no time, place, and space. We are introduced here in Genesis 1:1 to time and place. “In the beginning…” indicates time. Heaven and earth represent place.
03/10/08 God is in eternity so He is not limited by time and space. He established time for His dealings with man. Isaiah 57:15
03/10/08 God doesn’t just know the future—He lives there. He was, He is, and He is to come. The “I Am.”
03/10/08 God gives us signs to know where we are on His timeline.
03/10/08 In Genesis verse 4 has times—day and night. Lights shall be for signs, seasons, days, years—all time words. Moon deals with the time we call “month.” Sun deals with solar year. Sign in Hebrew is two letters—first and last letters in Hebrew alphabet—beginning and end. God wants a sign to me about what things are to happen in their seasons. “ Seasons” in Hebrew is “moed” or appointed time. Also means an appointed place.
03/10/08 Prophecies of the bible can have “fill-ins” and then it can have “fulfill-ins.” Event can happen presently and in the future.
03/10/08 In Matthew 1:23, Jesus is call Emmanuel or God with us. Emm=with; anu=us;
03/10/08 Historians believe Jesus was born September 29, 4 or 6 BC, on the Feast of Tabernacles because He became flesh or tabernacles in the flesh and dwelt among us. In order for Him to have been born on September 29th, the conception date would have been December 25th. He was circumcised on the 8th day of the feast or the Great Day of the feast. A very ancient feast in the church as “Feast of Angels” or “Michael’s Feast” which was held on September 29th. We also know from the Bible record that the angels (all of them) came to announce the birth of Jesus.
03/11/08 Sin is anything that released fear and stops the blessing.
03/11/08 In heaven, there is no record of sin against me. The blood of Jesus completely wiped out the record. Hallelujah!
03/13/08 Abundant (Thayer) = exceeding above, more than is necessary, super added.
(Strongs) – surplus; super abundance; exceedingly; super abundant in quanity, superior in quality, and by implication, excessive. John 10:10; Ephesians 3:20.
03/13/08 “If it’s not quite, it’s not right.” Don’t satisfy for less.
03/17/08 Israelites experienced three levels of living:
Egyptian Bondage – owned no property, poverty, rags
Wilderness Living – Day to day provision, no surplus, just enough, no lack. Many Christians living in this level.
Cananland Living – Deut 6:10-11; Deut 6:23-24; Deut 8:7-9; Deut 11:7-9; 10-15; 21
03/17/08 Brought Israelites out of Egyptian Bondage with a mighty hand, signs and wonders, silver and gold, health.
03/17/08 People will be jealous of me as God prospers me. He’s a “Too Much God!”
03/17/08 “Through faith, we understand” Hebrews 11:3. We understand because of faith in God’s Word.
03/17/08 Preach what you practice.
03/17/08 Must be fully persuaded that God’s Word works. You enter God’s rest and let patience have her perfect work.
03/17/08 Faith has a vocabulary of silence. Just believe.
03/17/08 God’s Word is designed to create faith in me.
03/17/08 You can believe God to “water down” the word to match your experience or ask God to raise your experience to match the word.
03/18/08 We lose our faith according to the degree we observe the wind and the waves.
03/18/08 Sometimes corresponding faith is to do nothing. Rest in what you have decreed. Job said to decree a thing.
03/18/08 The DNA of God is in His Word. It knows how to produce.
03/18/08 You are sowing seeds for your harvest daily whether for good or evil. Words are seeds.
03/18/08 the Word of God will abide in your heart unless you “pluck” it up by speaking something contrary to what you planted.
03/18/08 Word becomes part of your heart when it becomes second nature (i.e. multiplication tables=don’t have to think about it; knowing you’re born again—fully persuaded.)
03/18/08 Acts 14:8-9 Here’s a man who had faith to be healed but he wasn’t healed. Hadn’t acted on his faith. Release faith by speaking, and then corresponding actions (see verse 10).
03/18/08 If you’re not making it by faith financially while you are working, don’t quit your job and try to live by faith. Get the blessings flowing first and only quit as God directs you.
03/18/08 Words you speak go before you and prepare the way in the future for you.
03/18/08 The enemy cannot steal from you the Word of God that you understand. Matthew 13:19
03/19/08 If we do not train our children to respect others and respect our authority, they will not respect God either and obey Him.
03/24/08 If you don’t believe God hears your prayer, He doesn’t. You have to believe He hears.
03/24/08 Jesus likened our spirit to a garden. It will produce whatever you plant in it. It is “spiritual soil” and will produce whatever you say.
03/24/08 We have access into grace only through faith. Romans 5:1-2
03/24/08 We call for things that are NOT to come into existence. That is faith!
03/24/08 God came to Abram at 75 years old and promised to make of him a great nation. Genesis 12:1 He promised him a seed. Abram did not confess God’s promise and the child did not manifest for 24 years or until Abram’s name was changed to Abraham. Sarah conceived in 3 months after Abraham began to confess his new name, meaning “Father of a great multitude.”
03/24/08 “My people perish without a vision (revelation).”
03/24/08 We will confess what we “see” in ourselves. The way we make decisions in life is by what we see ourselves doing. If we confess negative things, we will see ourselves making wrong decisions.
03/24/08 Wilderness experience won’t make you strong—it will kill you! See the Israelite’s experience.
03/24/08 Luke 11:8 God does not answer prayer on the basis of friendship but on the basis of faith.
03/24/08 Mark 1:39-42 When Jesus touched the leper, nothing happened. The leper wasn’t sure it was the will of Jesus to heal him. But he WAS healed when Jesus spoke and confirmed it was His will to heal. See verse 42. The leper had increased faith by the spoken word of Jesus. Faith connected with the power of God. The man’s faith didn’t release to receive until he knew Jesus would heal him.
03/24/08 The part of the brain that controls speech is the part that also secretes over 100,00 chemicals to the body. What does that tell you?
03/24/08 God has always had prophets to declare His Word so He could get things done (His plan) in the earth. He had to use their spoken words.
03/24/08 Jesus is the exact expression of God’s substance or what God IS. (Person=substance) Hebrews 1:3
03/24/08 Word of His power=His power is in His Word.
03/24/08 Scientists have discovered that the atom is not the smallest particle. There are sub-atomic particles (QRKS) that look like a cloud. They were not discovered until someone began talking about them and researching them (seeking). QRKS consist of sound waves. All matter consists of QRKS or sound waves. God spoke and it was so! Words are energy going out and affecting things.
03/24/08 Everything you can see on the inside of you spiritually, you can live out here in this life. You must be fully persuaded.
03/24/08 Jesus called for peace when the storm was raging. He called what was not—and it was!
03/25/08 When you act on God’s Word, be prepared because Satan comes to get that Word out.
03/25/08 The more you talk circumstances, the more you believe circumstances.
03/25/08 You can destroy your faith by wrong praying. Saying what the devil says in conversation with God is NOT prayer.
03/25/08 The law of faith is the law of change.
03/25/08 Your mouth is the goal-setter that tells your spirit what you want to come to pass, and while you go about life, your spirit is working to bring it to pass.
03/25/08 Seed has dominion over the soil. The soil has to produce what seed you plant!
03/25/08 If Satan bothers you, get your birth certificate out and read it to him. He is on earth illegally. He doesn’t even have a body but has to use the body of a person to get his deeds done.
03/25/08 Everything promised in the Word of God already exists in the Spirit world or you could not have evidence for it. Faith is the title deed.
03/25/08 We make demands on the provisions that God has already made.
03/25/08 God’s Word produces the faith for the things He’s already given you. If you think long enough about what God says on the a particular subject, soon you’ll be thinking like God thinks.
03/28/08 When you question: “What are we going to do about ____), you’re questioning the faithfulness of God.
03/28/08 It is impossible to pray the prayer of faith if you don’t know the will of God.
03/28/08 Mustard seed cannot be changed. It will not cross-polinate. Jesus said if we have faith as a mustard seed (unchanging faith), we would say, and it should obey. Mountains will be moved.
03/28/08 Jesus cursed the fig tree to show how our words work in any situation. Some people curse their own “fig tree.”
03/28/08 Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. Anything more is evil. In other words, you better believe what you are speaking.
03/28/08 Perverse speech is crooked speech and inhibits your ability to release your faith in words.
03/28/08 “Overcome evil with good.” Evil thoughts? Flush it out with the word!
03/30/08 If God gives you cancer, where did He get it since there is none in heaven? He can’t take it from the earth, as the earth isn’t His. To do that would be stealing.
03/07/08 There is nothing in the earth that is so great or so powerful that you cannot turn around with your tongue.
03/07/08 We are to be delivered from evil daily (always). See Lord’s prayer.
03/07/08 Adam didn’t learn in the garden, he discerned. He operated as one with God. We have the mind of Christ.
03/07/08 The Bible tells us in James that we can have the wisdom of God. We are like Adam. We discern and download the information from God. We have direct contact with Him through our spirit. We should never fail in any situation.
03/07/08 Matthew 12:33-37 tells us that we are justified or condemned by our words. Justified = made free, acquitted; Condemned = brought into bondage, sentenced.
03/07/08 Matthew 13:10-11 Jesus tells us that it is given unto us to know the mysteries—hidden truths—of the Word of God.
03/07/08 A law is a principle based on predictable circumstances of an act. Laws always work. God has set certain laws—spiritual laws—that will always work if they are put into motion.
03/07/08 Confession is a law. It will work every time no matter who works it and how it is worked. What you say is what you get. Out of the mouth come forth blessings and cursing's.
03/07/08 Preaching brings inspiration. Teaching brings understanding.
03/07/08 All words have weight and value. ALL WORDS. Words have substance. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue and you will eat the fruit of what you speak—whether life or death.
03/07/08 Jesus told us in John 6:63 that His words are spirit and they are life. Words are spirit, not just sounds. They live. They go out to do things. Jesus said in Hebrews that the Word of God is quick and alive and sharper than any two-edged sword dividing asunder the soul and the spirit and the joints and the morrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
03/07/08 Hebrews 1:3 tells us that God regulates the universe by the mighty power of His word of command. When He said in Genesis “Let there be light” or “Light be!” it is still expanding at the speed of light. Word of God keeps things in place and doing what they were originally intended to do.
03/07/08 Psalms 141:3 says our lips are a door.
03/07/08 Psalms 39:1 David said he will take heed to his ways that he sin not with his tongue, and will keep a bridle on his tongue while the wicked is before him. The wicked is the devil and demons waiting to hear what we are going to say with our mouth. They are waiting for our words.
03/07/08 Proverbs 30:32 says if we have done foolishly in lifting up ourselves (words without discretion) or if we have thought evil, we must put a hand over our mouth to not allow those things to come forth from us. We must gag our mouth in bad circumstances. See Ephesians 4:29
03/07/08 Job said in 6:23-25 that his mouth got him into trouble. He said teach me, and I will hold my tongue. Then he declared, “How forcible are right words!”
03/07/08 There is such a thing as the “Vocabulary of Silence” to be used in situations where saying nothing is the best thing to do.
03/07/08 Regarding confession of the Word of God in situations that are crises, you cannot consider whether or not the heathen understands what you are saying. You are not trying to impress them but putting spiritual law into motion. When Jesus told Jairus and his family and mourners that Jairus’s daughter was sleeping, He was activating a spiritual law. He was putting into motion what He wanted, not what was a reality at the time.
03/07/08 Words have value and must be measured against the Word of God.
03/07/08 Psalms 138:2 says God has exalted His Word above His Name.
03/07/08 God is under authority to uphold whatever He has spoken. He has made promises to us and must keep them. He is not a liar. If He said it is true and this is what He will do, He will do it.
03/07/08 Hebrews 1:2 says that Jesus is the lawful owner of everything, and the Bible also says that I am a joint-heir with Him! Hallelujah!
03/07/08 You will never go any higher than your confession.
03/07/08 God created man—the spirit-- and made the body/
03/07/08 God backs the words of the believers.
03/07/08 Never let the circumstance of life come out of your mouth. Believing circumstances is like believing God is a failure.
03/07/08 Don’t go to God to resolve the problem. Speak to the problem!
03/08/08 The Law of Confession will deliver you and protect you.
03/08/08 Numbers 13 and 14 tells us God gave the children of Israel their confession. He actually changed His plans for them to give them what they were confessing which was death.
03/08/08 “Homologio” in the Greek means confessing what God says.
03/08/08 Luke 12:8 says “Whosoever shall confess me before men…” Confessing the Word is confessing Jesus because He IS the Word of God.
03/08/08 Luke 12:8 can also mean that Jesus will send forth the angels to do—bring forth—our confession of the Word.
03/08/08 Psalms 34 is excellent psalm regarding our words.
03/08/08 Exodus 23:22 God says He would be an adversary to our adversaries and an enemy to our enemies. What He told Moses, He will do for us.
03/08/08 Your words will build a hedge to stop Satan’s plan ahead of time.
03/08/08 He expected Adam and Eve to have faith in His Word. He expects us to do the same and to walk by faith in His Words.
03/08/08 Our recreated spirit is made to walk by faith. Anything else brings heaviness of spirit, anxiety, and loss of peace.
03/08/08 Not walking by faith is actually walking by the old nature of death and leads to death.
03/09/08 My destiny is in my heart. No one can stop me, but me.
03/09/08 Luke 17:5-6 Sycamine tree is growing in my heart and blocking my destiny. I must speak words of life to that tree to cast it out. Speak the Word of God.
03/09/08 Hebrews 12:15 A root of bitterness can contaminate my whole family. Same with unforgiveness. Bitterness and unforgiveness doesn’t affect the persons I am holding these things toward, but affects ME. It destroys me.
03/09/08 Your belief is in vain if you do not bridle your tongue—your words—or what you say.
03/09/08 Fear, condemnation, and doubt are diseases of the spirit.
03/09/08 The tongue can create a breach in my spirit that will allow the enemy to come in. Ecclesiastes 10:8 (break or breach in hedge).
03/09/08 God’s power is metered out based on our faith. We need to increase our faith. (Increase our bandwidth).
03/09/08 Decree a thing and it shall be established. Job 22:28
03/10/08 If we don’t master end-time prophecies, we won’t rightly divide the Word of God.
03/10/08 2 Peter 1:19-21 shows me the way to not walk in darkness. See also Isaiah 60:2 tells us that gross darkness will cover the land in the end-times, but that doesn’t mean it will cover the children of God.
03/10/08 The “light shining in a dark place” were the prophets of old. The Word is shining in the darkness.
03/10/08 The Jewish New Year begins on Rosh Hashanah. Our New Year beings January 1st, of course.
03/10/08 Forty-eight men and seven women prophets have been recorded in the Old Testament. Of the 55, some record just a few sentences and some, a whole book. The bible was written by 40 different authors from 1692 BC through 100 AD.
03/10/08 Ezekiel wrote 2600 years ago that Russia and Iran would be allies. They have never been allies until now. Prophecy written long ago comes to pass.
03/10/08 1 Peter 1:19-21 says we have a more sure word of prophecy than the voice heard at the transfiguration. Those sure words of prophecy were Old Testament prophecies. Daystar is Jesus (Revelation knowledge).
03/10/08 Gross darkness—coarse, rough, indelicate, obscene, impure, nakedness, very wrong, flagrant-as a gross mistake, thick, dense, no sensitive in perception of feeling, stupid, dull. Romans 1 and 2 God said it would come because they forgot Him.
03/10/08 Genesis 1:1 Time and Place came into being. When there was only God, there was no time, place, and space. We are introduced here in Genesis 1:1 to time and place. “In the beginning…” indicates time. Heaven and earth represent place.
03/10/08 God is in eternity so He is not limited by time and space. He established time for His dealings with man. Isaiah 57:15
03/10/08 God doesn’t just know the future—He lives there. He was, He is, and He is to come. The “I Am.”
03/10/08 God gives us signs to know where we are on His timeline.
03/10/08 In Genesis verse 4 has times—day and night. Lights shall be for signs, seasons, days, years—all time words. Moon deals with the time we call “month.” Sun deals with solar year. Sign in Hebrew is two letters—first and last letters in Hebrew alphabet—beginning and end. God wants a sign to me about what things are to happen in their seasons. “ Seasons” in Hebrew is “moed” or appointed time. Also means an appointed place.
03/10/08 Prophecies of the bible can have “fill-ins” and then it can have “fulfill-ins.” Event can happen presently and in the future.
03/10/08 In Matthew 1:23, Jesus is call Emmanuel or God with us. Emm=with; anu=us;
03/10/08 Historians believe Jesus was born September 29, 4 or 6 BC, on the Feast of Tabernacles because He became flesh or tabernacles in the flesh and dwelt among us. In order for Him to have been born on September 29th, the conception date would have been December 25th. He was circumcised on the 8th day of the feast or the Great Day of the feast. A very ancient feast in the church as “Feast of Angels” or “Michael’s Feast” which was held on September 29th. We also know from the Bible record that the angels (all of them) came to announce the birth of Jesus.
03/11/08 Sin is anything that released fear and stops the blessing.
03/11/08 In heaven, there is no record of sin against me. The blood of Jesus completely wiped out the record. Hallelujah!
03/13/08 Abundant (Thayer) = exceeding above, more than is necessary, super added.
(Strongs) – surplus; super abundance; exceedingly; super abundant in quanity, superior in quality, and by implication, excessive. John 10:10; Ephesians 3:20.
03/13/08 “If it’s not quite, it’s not right.” Don’t satisfy for less.
03/17/08 Israelites experienced three levels of living:
Egyptian Bondage – owned no property, poverty, rags
Wilderness Living – Day to day provision, no surplus, just enough, no lack. Many Christians living in this level.
Cananland Living – Deut 6:10-11; Deut 6:23-24; Deut 8:7-9; Deut 11:7-9; 10-15; 21
03/17/08 Brought Israelites out of Egyptian Bondage with a mighty hand, signs and wonders, silver and gold, health.
03/17/08 People will be jealous of me as God prospers me. He’s a “Too Much God!”
03/17/08 “Through faith, we understand” Hebrews 11:3. We understand because of faith in God’s Word.
03/17/08 Preach what you practice.
03/17/08 Must be fully persuaded that God’s Word works. You enter God’s rest and let patience have her perfect work.
03/17/08 Faith has a vocabulary of silence. Just believe.
03/17/08 God’s Word is designed to create faith in me.
03/17/08 You can believe God to “water down” the word to match your experience or ask God to raise your experience to match the word.
03/18/08 We lose our faith according to the degree we observe the wind and the waves.
03/18/08 Sometimes corresponding faith is to do nothing. Rest in what you have decreed. Job said to decree a thing.
03/18/08 The DNA of God is in His Word. It knows how to produce.
03/18/08 You are sowing seeds for your harvest daily whether for good or evil. Words are seeds.
03/18/08 the Word of God will abide in your heart unless you “pluck” it up by speaking something contrary to what you planted.
03/18/08 Word becomes part of your heart when it becomes second nature (i.e. multiplication tables=don’t have to think about it; knowing you’re born again—fully persuaded.)
03/18/08 Acts 14:8-9 Here’s a man who had faith to be healed but he wasn’t healed. Hadn’t acted on his faith. Release faith by speaking, and then corresponding actions (see verse 10).
03/18/08 If you’re not making it by faith financially while you are working, don’t quit your job and try to live by faith. Get the blessings flowing first and only quit as God directs you.
03/18/08 Words you speak go before you and prepare the way in the future for you.
03/18/08 The enemy cannot steal from you the Word of God that you understand. Matthew 13:19
03/19/08 If we do not train our children to respect others and respect our authority, they will not respect God either and obey Him.
03/24/08 If you don’t believe God hears your prayer, He doesn’t. You have to believe He hears.
03/24/08 Jesus likened our spirit to a garden. It will produce whatever you plant in it. It is “spiritual soil” and will produce whatever you say.
03/24/08 We have access into grace only through faith. Romans 5:1-2
03/24/08 We call for things that are NOT to come into existence. That is faith!
03/24/08 God came to Abram at 75 years old and promised to make of him a great nation. Genesis 12:1 He promised him a seed. Abram did not confess God’s promise and the child did not manifest for 24 years or until Abram’s name was changed to Abraham. Sarah conceived in 3 months after Abraham began to confess his new name, meaning “Father of a great multitude.”
03/24/08 “My people perish without a vision (revelation).”
03/24/08 We will confess what we “see” in ourselves. The way we make decisions in life is by what we see ourselves doing. If we confess negative things, we will see ourselves making wrong decisions.
03/24/08 Wilderness experience won’t make you strong—it will kill you! See the Israelite’s experience.
03/24/08 Luke 11:8 God does not answer prayer on the basis of friendship but on the basis of faith.
03/24/08 Mark 1:39-42 When Jesus touched the leper, nothing happened. The leper wasn’t sure it was the will of Jesus to heal him. But he WAS healed when Jesus spoke and confirmed it was His will to heal. See verse 42. The leper had increased faith by the spoken word of Jesus. Faith connected with the power of God. The man’s faith didn’t release to receive until he knew Jesus would heal him.
03/24/08 The part of the brain that controls speech is the part that also secretes over 100,00 chemicals to the body. What does that tell you?
03/24/08 God has always had prophets to declare His Word so He could get things done (His plan) in the earth. He had to use their spoken words.
03/24/08 Jesus is the exact expression of God’s substance or what God IS. (Person=substance) Hebrews 1:3
03/24/08 Word of His power=His power is in His Word.
03/24/08 Scientists have discovered that the atom is not the smallest particle. There are sub-atomic particles (QRKS) that look like a cloud. They were not discovered until someone began talking about them and researching them (seeking). QRKS consist of sound waves. All matter consists of QRKS or sound waves. God spoke and it was so! Words are energy going out and affecting things.
03/24/08 Everything you can see on the inside of you spiritually, you can live out here in this life. You must be fully persuaded.
03/24/08 Jesus called for peace when the storm was raging. He called what was not—and it was!
03/25/08 When you act on God’s Word, be prepared because Satan comes to get that Word out.
03/25/08 The more you talk circumstances, the more you believe circumstances.
03/25/08 You can destroy your faith by wrong praying. Saying what the devil says in conversation with God is NOT prayer.
03/25/08 The law of faith is the law of change.
03/25/08 Your mouth is the goal-setter that tells your spirit what you want to come to pass, and while you go about life, your spirit is working to bring it to pass.
03/25/08 Seed has dominion over the soil. The soil has to produce what seed you plant!
03/25/08 If Satan bothers you, get your birth certificate out and read it to him. He is on earth illegally. He doesn’t even have a body but has to use the body of a person to get his deeds done.
03/25/08 Everything promised in the Word of God already exists in the Spirit world or you could not have evidence for it. Faith is the title deed.
03/25/08 We make demands on the provisions that God has already made.
03/25/08 God’s Word produces the faith for the things He’s already given you. If you think long enough about what God says on the a particular subject, soon you’ll be thinking like God thinks.
03/28/08 When you question: “What are we going to do about ____), you’re questioning the faithfulness of God.
03/28/08 It is impossible to pray the prayer of faith if you don’t know the will of God.
03/28/08 Mustard seed cannot be changed. It will not cross-polinate. Jesus said if we have faith as a mustard seed (unchanging faith), we would say, and it should obey. Mountains will be moved.
03/28/08 Jesus cursed the fig tree to show how our words work in any situation. Some people curse their own “fig tree.”
03/28/08 Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. Anything more is evil. In other words, you better believe what you are speaking.
03/28/08 Perverse speech is crooked speech and inhibits your ability to release your faith in words.
03/28/08 “Overcome evil with good.” Evil thoughts? Flush it out with the word!
03/30/08 If God gives you cancer, where did He get it since there is none in heaven? He can’t take it from the earth, as the earth isn’t His. To do that would be stealing.
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Miracles Happen
By Roy
We believe in miracles. They happen. Jesus performed many miracles during His time on earth. He walked on water. He made a blind man see. He raised a man from the dead. He fed 5000 with a few fish and a bread. He healed a soldier's ear and a crippled man. Jesus did that and so much more.
I remember a time I went to the doctor with back issues. He sent me for a MRI and X-ray. When he showed me the results, he found an empty space where there was something missing from my back. The doctor said it was apparent that it wasn't there at birth and my back muscles and ligaments have compensated for this issue ever since. But now, they can’t do that anymore. The issue couldn’t be fixed because there is no piece there to fix and there was nothing they could do. I told my doctor there is something God can do to fix my back.
When I went home, Cathy and I prayed and believed God could heal my back. I believed He would do a miracle for me and heal my body. When I went to bed that night, I could still feel the pain and I was up and down managing that pain. Cathy had been listening to some tapes on healing. She looked at me and said you know you are healed because we have prayed and asked for it according to the words of God and in Jesus name. We agreed together for my healing.
It wasn't very long and I was up and about and went back to the doctor for a recheck. He checked again and discovered the bone had been replaced with a new bone. The doctor thought he made a mistake in my diagnosis. I told him that he was not mistaken because God healed me with his miracle working power. Praise the Lord!
By Roy
We believe in miracles. They happen. Jesus performed many miracles during His time on earth. He walked on water. He made a blind man see. He raised a man from the dead. He fed 5000 with a few fish and a bread. He healed a soldier's ear and a crippled man. Jesus did that and so much more.
I remember a time I went to the doctor with back issues. He sent me for a MRI and X-ray. When he showed me the results, he found an empty space where there was something missing from my back. The doctor said it was apparent that it wasn't there at birth and my back muscles and ligaments have compensated for this issue ever since. But now, they can’t do that anymore. The issue couldn’t be fixed because there is no piece there to fix and there was nothing they could do. I told my doctor there is something God can do to fix my back.
When I went home, Cathy and I prayed and believed God could heal my back. I believed He would do a miracle for me and heal my body. When I went to bed that night, I could still feel the pain and I was up and down managing that pain. Cathy had been listening to some tapes on healing. She looked at me and said you know you are healed because we have prayed and asked for it according to the words of God and in Jesus name. We agreed together for my healing.
It wasn't very long and I was up and about and went back to the doctor for a recheck. He checked again and discovered the bone had been replaced with a new bone. The doctor thought he made a mistake in my diagnosis. I told him that he was not mistaken because God healed me with his miracle working power. Praise the Lord!